TradeTech FX (London, September 13-15, 2016)
August 15, 2016 | By: Matthew Halicki

FlexTrade exhibiting and speaking at TradeTech FX, September 13-15, London
FlexTrade will be featuring FlexFX and FlexTCA – the components of our buy-side FX trading solution.
On September 13 FlexTrade is taking part in the “Platform Evaluation Day” showing our buy-side EMS solution to a select group of buy-side traders. The exhibit proper takes place on 14 & 15; FlexTrade’s Glen Sargeant (Product Manager, Buy-Side FX) is speaking on a panel entitled, “Adopting Next Generation Best Execution Practices: What Crucial Pre Trade Insights Can Help You To Make More Informed Trading Decisions, And How Can You Exploit Next Generation Algos To Sharpen Your Trading Edge?”
Drop by our booth, #12, throughout the event to see the latest in FX trading for the buy side. We look forward to meeting you there. The event takes place at the Victoria Park Plaza Hotel, London.