FDC3 Workflows to Unify the Financial Desktop
Over the past five years, FDC3, which is hosted by FINOS on the GitHub repository, has emerged as an open-source standard for connecting disparate applications on the desktop and creating more efficient workflows for traders.
Key Takeaways from Institutional Investor 2021 International TraderForum
Input into FlexTrade’s development and product roadmaps across our multi-asset suite of EMS solutions comes from many sources. Of course, regular client meetings, discussions with consultants, and our ongoing internal investment in research and development …
Turquoise Plato connects to OpenFin to simplify complexity on the buy-side trader desktop
Responds to buy-side call for more efficient workflows and access to insightful data; delivers application interoperability and a more unified desktop experience for the buy-side trading desk London, 21 September 2021: OpenFin, the operating system …
Bringing It All Together: Application Interoperability for Traders
The proliferation of software applications on financial desktops is a sign of innovation in capital markets. But moving data from one third-party application to another is not always seamless and user interfaces (UIs) are typically different. Now there’s a push to make the desktop emulate the user experience on mobile phones where Android and iOS apps are aware of one another and share data.
FlexTrade Partners with OpenFin for Desktop Interoperability
FlexTrade Partners with OpenFin for Desktop Interoperability