Data Strategy for Traders
Case Study with Spheria Asset Management: Raising the Bar on Real-Time Analytics and Trade Automation with FlexTRADER EMS
Although developing advantageous data projects requires considerable effort,
the rewards typically include significantly reduced trading costs, enhanced
trader effectiveness, and increased overall returns. Taking a strategic
approach can help realize these benefits, while managing the costs involved.
By some estimates, the difference between making even small improvements,
versus not doing so, can be hundreds of millions of dollars. -
Building Next-Gen Data Strategies to Boost Trading Success
Although developing advantageous data projects requires considerable effort,
the rewards typically include significantly reduced trading costs, enhanced
trader effectiveness, and increased overall returns. Taking a strategic
approach can help realize these benefits, while managing the costs involved.
By some estimates, the difference between making even small improvements,
versus not doing so, can be hundreds of millions of dollars.