FlexTrade Integrates ipushpull Real-Time Interoperability Platform into FlexNOW EMS
October 22, 2018 | By: Matthew Halicki

– Provides Real-Time Data Sharing & Improved Workflow Automation –
FlexTrade Systems (@FlexTrade) today announced the integration of ipushpull (iPP), a real-time interoperability platform, with its FlexNOW execution management system to provide users with access to iPP’s live data sharing and workflow automation between desktop applications, messaging platforms, in-house systems and cloud services.

“We chose ipushpull because they are the leader in automatically connecting grids of data across any connected application in the cloud,” said Rhyd Lewis, FlexNOW product manager. “Integrating iPP with FlexNOW benefits our clients since they can easily access their trade data via other third-party applications.”
Applications available via iPP include Excel, Symphony, OpenFin, ChartIQ, databases and many others, which provides secure and compliant messaging directly into FlexNOW’s trading blotter. Additionally, iPP’s analytics module provides improved data analysis, which makes it easy to track what clients are accessing; what they are using; and the ability to create specific alerts to track client behavior and activity.

David Jones, CTO of ipushpull, comments, “ipushpull’s partnership with FlexNOW provides a seamless, efficient workflow. We are delighted to be part of FlexNOW and look forward to providing our data sharing and workflow automation to push access-controlled data to their clients in the quickest and most cost-effective way.”
FlexNOW, an out-of-the-box, broker-neutral execution management system, is built to address the needs of hedge funds and mini-primes who require a streamlined, multi-asset trading system at the click of a button. Designed to handle trading for equities, futures and options, FlexNOW is MiFID II compliant; provides connectivity to leading market data providers; easily integrates with any order management system (OMS) via FIX and API; and comes with its own built-in transaction cost analysis functionality.
For more information, please contact us at sales_eu@flextrade.com or visit www.flexnow.io
To learn more about ipushpull, visit their website.

James Tolve
Director of Marketing and PR
T: +1 (516) 304-3601
E: james.tolve@flextrade.com