Execution Management Systems Come of Age
December 22, 2015 | By: Matthew Halicki

December 16, 2015
Use of Execution Management Systems Continues to Increase as Markets Become More Fragmented
FlexTrade’s Jamie Benincasa, Senior Vice President, Global Sales, recently spoke with Euromoney’s Paul Golden about a 2014 Aite Group survey, which found that around three quarters of buy-side respondents were using execution management systems to source liquidity and manage risk across platforms.
From the article:
According to Jamie Benincasa, FlexTrade’s senior vice-president of global sales, this trend has gathered pace during the past 18 months and is likely to continue as larger buy-side firms choose to upgrade systems to achieve even greater efficiencies in their FX trading workflow.
“Recently, we have been tasked with streamlining pre-trade allocation processing, aggregating liquidity sources to provide transparent dealing and providing post-trade integration with in-house systems,” he says. “These efforts have freed up institutional traders to focus on best execution by accessing streaming liquidity from competing dealers and the result has been tighter prices and more streaming liquidity available.”