Building Next-Gen Data Strategies to Boost Trading Success
Although developing advantageous data projects requires considerable effort,
the rewards typically include significantly reduced trading costs, enhanced
trader effectiveness, and increased overall returns. Taking a strategic
approach can help realize these benefits, while managing the costs involved.
By some estimates, the difference between making even small improvements,
versus not doing so, can be hundreds of millions of dollars. -
The Trade TV: Vinay Trivedi, FlexTrade — The Single Workflow Pipeline
FlexTrade’s Vinay Trivedi, Senior Vice President, FX Strategic Initiatives, talks to The TRADE TV at TradeTech FX Europe 2019 about the latest industry trends and the company’s product focus.
FlexTrade Named Best FX Transaction Cost Analysis Provider of the Year at FX Week e-FX Awards 2019
FlexTrade today announced its FlexTCA solution has won the “Best FX Transaction Cost Analysis Provider of the Year ” category at FX Week’s 16th Annual e-FX Awards ceremony, which was held at the Metropolitan Club New York on July 11.
HFM Global 2019: Preparing for the Long Term
Aaron Levine, vice president of OEMS Solutions at FlexTrade, considers the challenges faced by start-ups and the importance of differentiation
HFM Global 2019: Trading in the Cloud
FlexTrade’s Lee Sherling discusses the firm’s innovative new EMS, FlexNOW
FlexTrade Wins TradingTech Insight North America Award for Best Buy-Side OMS
FlexTrade today announced its FlexONE OEMS has been chosen by the readership of Intelligent Trading Technology as the Best Buy-Side OMS at this year’s inaugural TradingTech Insight Awards ceremony, which was held in New York City on June 11.
NZX Welcomes FlexTrade as an Independent Software Vendor
FlexTrade has been accredited an independent software vendor (ISV) by the NZX.
FlexTrade Multi-Asset EMS Named Best Front-Office Execution System for 2019
FlexTrade today announced its FlexTRADER EMS has won the “Best Front-Office Execution System” category at the 17th Annual Financial News Trading & Technology Awards Europe ceremony, which was held at the Victoria & Albert Museum, London, on 6 June.
Sell-Side Technology Awards 2019: Best Automated Trading Platform—FlexTrade Systems
FlexTrade wins the best automated trading platform category at this year’s SST Awards, thanks to its FlexTRADER integrated multi-asset EMS and OMS.
FlexTrade Named Best Overall Trading Platform for Innovation
FlexTrade today announced it has won the “Best Overall Trading Platform for Innovation” at the Fund Technology and Wall Street Letter Awards 2019 ceremony, which was held in New York on February 6.
FlexTrade Wins Buy-Side Technology Award for Best Implementation at a Buy-Side Firm (Trading & Risk)
This year’s trading and risk implementation award goes to FlexTrade for the deployment of FlexONE, it’s order and execution management system developed for the buy-side, at boston-based crowd-sourced hedge fund, Quantopian.
FlexTrade Wins Best Buy-Side EMS at Buy-Side Technology Awards 2018
FlexTrade clinches this year’s best buy-side execution management system (EMS) award due to its flexibility, performance and ability to support bespoke workflows through FlexTrader, its EMS platform. FlexTrader has pre-defined trading strategies and tactics for portfolio and single-security trading. It provides pre-trade, real-time, post-trade and predictive analytics, risk- and cost-optimized portfolio trade scheduling, and smart order routing, among its list of functions.