Smart New Rules for Smart Order Routing?
Disclosure is the rage in financial markets regulation and the latest set of proposals relate to order handling rules. FlexTrade’s Ivy Schmerken examines further.
Impact of MiFID II: Unbundling, the Sell Side and Research Trends
European regulators are pressing to unbundle research payments from executions. Experts say that a regulatory overhaul driven by MiFID II has the potential to disrupt the global research industry. FlexTrade’s Ivy Schmerken examines further.
FX Algo Usage Rises as Buy Side Takes Charge
Algorithmic trading is gaining ground in FX among the buy-side, but there are variations between asset managers/pension funds and hedge funds/CTAs in adopting these tools. FlexTrade’s Ivy Schmerken examines further.
Quant Funds Get Sentimental About Big Data
Social media is creating a torrent of data every minute. But how much of this firehose is relevant to making better investment decisions? FlexTrade’s Ivy Schmerken investigates.
Managing Big Data After Brexit
The UK’s Brexit vote threw traders and investors off-balance and disrupted global financial markets. In a global, interconnected market, Brexit reminds firms that IT systems must be prepared for shocks to the financial system. FlexTrade’s Ivy Schmerken investigates.
FlexTrade — Celebrating 20 Years of Leading the Way in FinTech!
On the milestone of FlexTrade’s 20th anniversary, President and CEO Vijay Kedia offers his unique perspective on the past, present and future of the company and electronic trading technology in general.
MiFID II: Brexit, Pain Points and Other Hurdles
The UK’s Brexit vote to leave the European Union sent a shock through financial markets, but will it throw Britain’s compliance with MiFID II into a tailspin? FlexTrade’s Ivy Schmerken investigates.
Raising the Curtain on Treasuries
U.S. regulators are pushing for more transparency into the $13 trillion US Treasury market after several regulatory agencies found that the government securities market is more opaque than they realized. FlexTrade’s Ivy Schmerken examines.
Will the Buy-Side Become Fixed Income Liquidity Providers?
Due to liquidity constraints, are buy-side fixed income traders prepared to play a more active role as price- makers on electronic trading platforms? FlexTrade’s Ivy Schmerken investigates.
TCA Trends: Venue Analysis Tops Buy-Side Priorities
It’s no secret that institutional traders are utilizing transaction cost analysis (TCA) for equities trading as a tool for measuring execution quality and reducing slippage against trading benchmarks. But now that TCA has matured in equities, the question is where is TCA moving next?
A Tale of Two Pilots: Maker-Taker and the Tick Pilot
Senators conducting a hearing on U.S. equity market structure earlier this month vented their frustrations at the slow pace of regulatory change in equity market structure reforms. At the March 3 hearing, lawmakers repeatedly cited delays in developing the consolidated audit trail, or CAT system, for market-wide surveillance, questioning to what extent progress has been made.
A Hard Look at Last Look in Foreign Exchange
The debate over ‘last look’ in foreign exchange trading has resurfaced in 2016 as regulators continue to eye the practice and investors worry about slippage and potential market abuse. Regulators are said to be scrutinizing FX dealing platforms that contain last look, a controversial practice that enables market makers to delay or reject trades from customers after they’ve agreed to a quoted price.